Grad School Final Project

This is the culmination of my time at grad school. This project deals with the topic of loneliness in the world and how we as designers may be able to affect change to help others. As with all large scale topics such as this, the research done here is but a small slice of what was able to be researched and created within an academic school year.

Here are just a few images of my process, please take a look at the full PDF to find out more about it.


Loneliness is a growing problem in the world; more people every year struggle to find a sense of comfort with those around them. Over the last 10 years, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Natural Language Processing (NLP) have advanced. Although some existing intelligent systems attempt to address loneliness, they commonly take the form of chatbots. This study investigates how a companion driven system may function with an Embodied Conversational Agent (ECA), and explores how this new system may be visually designed.

Mouse over expanded images for captions.