Mastercard / Dungeons & Dragons

Project 1: Take an existing brand and animate their logo in 3 different ways that would call attention to the viewer. Expected, unexpected and a subrand variant. For this project I was assigned Mastercard.

Project 2: Take an existing brand and create a new product for that existing brand. For this project I decided to go with Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) which is owned by the toy company Hasbro. D&D can be an intimidating game to get into even from the get go, and one of the first things a player usually does is to create a character. The idea behind this project was to create a mobile app that would aid new players creating a character, taking them through each aspect of the process in a more visually digestible way, versus the more traditional character sheet, which could be seen as visually cluttered and intimidating to some.

The app was prototyped in Adobe XD

Mouse over expanded images for captions.